Donate/Support Falcon

Support Falcon

Become a Patron

Falcon has been creating quality theater for our audiences since 1989 and we remain committed to our mission of presenting challenging, exciting live theatre.  Like all arts organizations, we can’t do it without you.  Your tax-deductible donation helps us continue to produce affordable theatre while offsetting the cost of creating professional productions. The generosity of patrons continues to allow Falcon Theatre the opportunity to expand its horizons, reaching new audiences, new markets and a new generation of theatre minds.  Your gift goes a long way in helping us grow, thrive and continue this success.

Patron Levels:

  • Angel   $5000+   (Includes 2 five-show Flex Passes)
  • Benefactor   $1000+   (Includes 1 five-show Flex Passes)
  • Playwright    $500+
  • Director    $250+ 
  • Producer    $100+
  • Designer    $50+
  • Stage Manager    $25+
  • Actor    Up to $25

NOTE: Ticket benefit applies to annual pledges and single donations.  Gifts In Kind and cumulative giving not included.


You can also donate to Falcon at any time by sending a check to:

Falcon Theatre
636 Monmouth Street
Newport, KY 41071

Honoree/Memorial Gifts

Honor or remember a loved one with the gift of theatre. Honoree and memorial gifts are a beautiful way to celebrate the special people in your life and bring life to Falcon’s stage.

  • When you make a contribution in someone’s name, we will send an acknowledgement to the honoree or a surviving family member notifying them of your donation (information must be provided by donor).
  • We will acknowledge you and your honoree in our program. 


If you would like to make a pledge to Falcon Theatre in a larger amount, monthly installments can be arranged.  Contact us at (513) 479-6783 for more information. 

Gifts In Kind

If you have something you’d like to donate (old clothing, furniture, etc), contact us to schedule a time to drop off your items or arrange for Falcon to pick them up.

Matching Gifts

A Matching Gift program allows your company to support its employees as well as the local community. Each year, individuals can increase their contributions to Falcon through matching gifts. Simply contact your employer’s human resources department and ask if your company matches donations to non-profit organizations.  If yes, ask for a matching gift form, complete the form, and mail it to us with your gift.

Stock Gifts

We gladly accept gifts of stock.  Here’s how:

  1. Contact Mike Bisbe at Bisbe Capital:  ‭(859) 781-7337‬ or via email: with questions and for transfer information.  *Make sure to reference “Falcon Productions, Inc” when speaking with Staff at Bisbe Capital.
  2. Contact Falcon Theatre: (513) 479-6783 or via email:  to inform us of your donation.

Falcon Theatre is a 501(c) 3, tax exempt organization and all donations are tax deductible. Our tax exempt ID is 31-1307917