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UncomfortableChairFalcon Theater performs some great theater.  From “Evil Dead: The Musical” to “And Then There Were None” to “Hamlet” (we pride ourselves on diversity)…you’ve laughed with us and you’ve cried with us. You’ve also shifted awkwardly in your seat, page not because the serial killer in “Frozen” made you uncomfortable, but because…

Your butt hurts.
Your back aches.
You hope for intermission to stretch.
(see impressive chair photo on right)

So help us make you more comfortable.

Donate to Falcon’s Riser Raiser!

We need to redo our risers, some HVAC (heating and cooling: important) as well as some new, comfortable chairs.

That said, we need to make sure we can do this project this summer so that when this fall’s TBD opener opens, everyone can settle into comfortable chairs and enjoy the show.

See WCPO’s interview with our own Julie Niesen-Gosdin, PR Director about the campaign.
Visit:  igg.me/at/falconriserraiser to make a donation and see the great incentives we’re offering to donors.