What is a sponsorship?

A sponsorship is an opportunity for a business or individual to participate in Falcon’s mission of delivering eclectic, diverse theatre by providing financial support to a specific production or season.  It is a way to support non-profit arts initiatives and help further the development of the vibrant arts community that thrives in Greater Cincinnati.


How does a sponsorship help?

Falcon sees a sponsorship as more than a financial donation.  It’s an investment in the current and future growth and revitalization of Newport.  In supporting Falcon Theatre, sponsors demonstrate a commitment to the local arts community, ensuring its continued vitality for the next generations.

Ticket sales only cover a portion of the expenses required to produce high quality theater.  While this can vary between arts organizations, it is a universal challenge for all theaters to fund professional productions.  All sponsorship funds go directly into production and other operating costs at the level of the sponsor’s choosing.  Production costs include (but are not limited to) artist stipends, technical production costs (sets, costumes, props, lighting, etc), royalties and marketing expenses.


Sponsorship Opportunities

Please contact us to discuss sponsorships levels and details.  We have several sponsorship levels available at a variety of financial levels.  We want to make it easy to get involved and help make theater happen!  Contact us on our box office line to set up a time to talk about sponsorships (513-479-6783) or email us through our Contact Form.


What are the benefits of sponsorship?

  • Sponsor’s name included in marketing material including social media, direct email, posters, program, etc.
  • Signage thanking the sponsor, including logo/name in the program and the lobby of the theater.
  • Admission for your organization to a preview performance to distribute internally (number of tickets varies with sponsorship level).
  • Exposure to Falcon’s diverse market through a dedicated media campaign.
  • Poster from the sponsored show or season signed by all cast and crew (if requested).


Contact Us:

To talk about sponsorships, contact us at (513) 479-6783 or through our Contact Form.